OTO-Vending – software for Vending.D
uration: 6 days
Overview –
Pre-requisite: be comfortable with the computer
toolDur: 1 day
General "Spi
rit" Software Concepts: Everything
for the User Overvi
ew of Modules Overview of General
es and Manipulations
Setting up your shopping catalogue
Pre-requisite: be comfortable with the computer tool and have completed the initial training.
Duration: 1.5 days
Your produc
tsSOur supplier
sOur multi-priced manag
ementOur catal
ogueThe Machines and The Mint
s Mono-product or multi-product mana
gement, product orders I
nventory management, Inflows/SortiesExpo
rts and EditionsEx
ercices and manipulations
Your billing of products/machines/services
Pre-requisite: be comfortable with the computer tool and have completed the initial training and catalog set-up. D
uration: 1.5 days
General Con
ceptsCycle Devis/Order/Delive
ry/BillingSuring, NumberingSui
vi and Inventory M
ports an
d Editions, ComptaExercics
and Manipulations
Pre-requisite: be comfortable with the computer tool and have completed the initial training.
Duration: 2 days
General Con
etlingsTour manual
touringToured man
ual Checkoutri
ng fund ChargesEvés
ements/Automatic Tours
Back of automatic tours
xports and Editions
Exercics and manipulations